Origin of SRS Retiree Association

SRS Retirees recognized the strong need for a greater role in helping determine the future of their benefit programs when in 1997, WSRC announced changes to the retiree medical benefits that were inconsistent to what had been originally promised to retirees.  Over the following years, changes in site management with strong cost control initiatives and incentives to reduce expenses, and the overall economic climate, continued the impetus for retiree benefit reduction. The retirees recognized that without an organized response including a large number of retirees, they would continue to lose what they had worked so hard to earn over the years.

The first general meeting was held on September 9, 1997, at the Knights of Columbus building on Dougherty Road in Aiken. Bylaws were written to meet the Federal Internal Revenue Service 501( c ) (4) regulations for a non-profit organizations, and for meeting the State of South Carolina regulatory requirements. The original by-laws provided for a 30-member Board of Directors to give the organization a wide breadth of expertise and experience. Initially, a 13-member Executive Committee met monthly, and the full Board of Directors met quarterly. That has been changed and now the SRSRA BOD meets monthly and votes on all items for consideration.

If you are interested in serving on the Board of Directors, please contact us.

Approved at the 2024 SRSRA Annual Meeting

SRSRA Board of Directors


The mission of the SRS Retiree Association is to work to advocate for the maintenance of retiree pension and medical benefits in current dollars, provide assistance and support of the greater SRS retiree population, ensure that the retiree benefits and needs are visible to the broader community, and support current and future missions of the SRS.

Why should YOU join the SRS Retiree Association?

There’s increased strength and greater shared purpose with numbers.

More members guarantee more support from elected and appointed officials.

More members leverage a better response from SRS and the DOE.

More members provide a more representative retiree viewpoint.

More numbers increase funding for our Retiree Resource Center.